
Syllouris: A Study on the for Launching Direct Flights Between China and Cyprus to Be Carried Out

Cyprus House President Demetris Syllouris and the delegation accompanying him during his visit to China discussed on Monday wi...

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Revenue from Tourism Recording Minor Increase

On the basis of the results of the Passenger Survey, data released by CyStat show that revenue from tourism reached €431,...

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From sea to sky

Shipping, yes, but Cyprus also has the potential to become a preferred jurisdiction for aircraft registrations within the EUBy...

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Funds Summits Praises Significant Progress in The Cyprus Investment Funds Sector

The significant progress achieved in the Cyprus investment funds industry was highlighted in the two-day International Funds S...

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Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism will Announce Final Version of National Tourism Strategy

Cyprus Deputy Minister for Tourism Savvas Perdios has said that the Deputy Ministry will soon announce the final version of th...

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Во вторник стартует прием заявок на участие в Лимассольском карнавале

В четверг, 7 ноября, муниципалитет Лимассола объявил о начале регистр...

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ВМС Кипра, Греции и Египта проводят совместные учения

В воскресенье, 3 ноября, в Средиземном море стартовали совместные вое...

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Кипр подал заявку на присоединение к Шенгенской зоне в сентябре 2020 года

Республика Кипр подала заявку на присоединение к Шенгенской зоне в с...

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Кипр в рейтинге Doing Business 2020

Кипр занял 54-е место из 190 в рейтинге Doing Business 2020. Эксперты оценили, что...

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