
Christmas in Paphos 2017

Paphos municipality is promising Christmas celebrations worthy of the new surroundings created by the completion of a number o...

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The CyprusUS Chamber of Commerce organized an event on space in New York

In November 2017, the Consumer Price Index increased by 0,10 units to 99,44 units compared to 99,34 units in October 2017. Com...

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Building Permits Increase by 45 in 2017

During the period January – September 2017, 4,281 building permits were issued compared to 3,901 in the corresponding pe...

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Производство редкого сорта сыра «халижда»

На Кипре пытаются восстановить технологию производства редкого сорÑ...

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Новый инвестиционный закон на Кипре

Президент Кипра Анастасиадис сказал, что правительство разрабатываÐ...

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November property sales up 39

Property sales in Cyprus rose 39 per cent in November compared with November 2016 with sales increasing in all districts accor...

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Reduced VAT on property purchase

Those buying a property in Cyprus as their main residence may apply for a reduced rate of VAT of 5% on the purchase price/cons...

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Археологи раскопали старую набережную Лимассола

Строители в Лимассоле раскопали остатки старой набережной при прове...

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Культура Кипра

Основные влияния и традицииБлагодаря сложной исторической судьбе КÐ...

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