
The diaspora: the hidden assets of Cyprus

January 24, 2022

From the UK to the US and from South Africa to Australia, the Cypriot diaspora continues to thrive while remaining committed to their homeland

The Cypriot diaspora, which includes all the Cypriots permanently settled in more than 115 countries around the world, should be embraced as hidden assets for our country. Acting as ambassadors of Cyprus abroad, these expatriates have contributed to the economic and cultural life of our country for many decades, at the same time enriching the societies in which they live and work.

In the 20th century, many Cypriots left their traditional homeland for economic and political reasons, seeking to rebuild their lives in a different country for a limited period, motivated by the idea of return. Their emotional attachment to Cyprus remained steadfast, promoting their culture, language, religion, and history while working punishingly long hours, weekends, and holidays, to support their families, both in their new country and back home.