
Restaurant review: Ithaki Garden Restaurant, Larnaca

January 5, 2023

I must have walked the shopping streets of Larnaca hundreds of times. Knowing the little alleyways and back streets that connect roads is very handy because, who wants to go the long way round!? One of these little interconnecting alleys in particular has a little garden restaurant that I have walked past many a time thinking to myself I must try it sometime but of course I never did.

A few days before Christmas, doing the obligatory last minute shopping dash I felt I needed a break and with the weather being just right, I somehow remembered that little garden restaurant.
We made our way through the crowds and escaped in to the backstreets reaching our desired destination of Ithaki Garden restaurant. The bustling sound of Christmas shoppers was still audible but it wasn’t disturbing but when focusing on the beautiful coloured flowers and greenery overhead, acting as an outdoor ceiling, everything else fading away. It really did not feel like I was in the centre of town. The brilliant white tables and chairs combined with various other decorations made it feel like an afternoon in late summer on a Greek island. I chose a table that was close to a small fountain shaped like a pot, pouring water in to a bowl as I found the sound of running water quite soothing.