
Restaurant Review: The Smuggers, Limassol

August 18, 2022

While I can only speak for Limassol, I am more than certain that other cities around Cyprus experienced what I jokingly like to refer to as the great burger boom of the previous decade. I could swear that almost on a weekly basis a new burger joint would spring up in some corner of the city promising to finally be the one that truly nails one of the world’s most famous and popular comfort foods.

This was especially fuelled by Cypriots returning from aboard, where they had tasted burgers that were much more faithful to how the majority of American franchises prepare them. Every burger lover has seen this recipe. Ground beef chuck, thin patties, 80 per cent lean meat, 20 per cent fat, cheap yellow cheese, and condiments of your choice. Somewhat different to the offering of your average Cypriot greasy spoon, where the burger is more akin to a flat meatball or a slice of meatloaf in composition.


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