
New book ideal for adventurers keen to go off the beaten track

January 11, 2022

In an updated book of maps ALIX NORMAN gets lost in the terrain of Cyprus and engrossed by the cultural heritage presented by a keen orienteer

A year ago, Cyprus’ most avid orienteer released the ultimate book for island explorers. This month, he’s back with a second edition – an updated, expanded, all-new iteration that’s the perfect for anyone who thrills to the words ‘off the beaten track’!
It’s entitled Topographical Maps of Cyprus – but don’t let the unpretentious title fool you into thinking it’s only for cartographers. “It’s a ‘live’ book,” enthuses author Michael Savvides. “Not something you keep on your bookshelf, but something that goes in your car or your backpack everywhere you do. It’s for the adventurers,” he grins. “The explorers amongst us…”