
Lace: Europe’s common cultural heritage

June 22, 2021

Lace-making is something that unites the countries of Europe says the woman behind an exhibition on the craft now on in Lefkara. ALIX NORMAN finds out more

If you were to hold a Ferrari show, you’d do it in Italy, right? A gathering of watch aficionados would probably be best in Switzerland. And a convention of chocolate lovers – well, Belgium is the obvious choice. So it makes total sense that a newly-launched exhibition of European lace should be held right here, in Cyprus’ world-famous lace-making centre of Lefkara.

Entitled European Lace, the exhibition has been organised under the auspices of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union – a rotating presidency held by Portugal during the first half of this year. The exhibition honours our shared European social and cultural identity, highlighting the common culture that unites the peoples of Europe, while emphasising the importance of preserving traditional arts as a means of sustainability of local economies.