
A worldmusic festive feel in Limassol

July 6, 2018

July is the month when the Rialto Theatre in Limassol hosts performances by bands and musicians from all over the world during the Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival. This July sees the 13th edition of the festival and it promises to do what it does every year; entertain us with an array of musical traditions.

The festival has become a bridge between different traditions, each of its various incarnations presenting musicians who have common starting points and influences, drawing their inspiration from the tradition of each country as well as Cyprus.

Ethno Cyprus, the traditional-music camp with around 40 young traditional-instrument artists from European and Arab countries participating, will open the festival on Tuesday. The music camp, which is organised by the Euro-Arab Youth Music Centre, will perform a sample of their joint work, combining the musical traditions of the various Mediterranean countries.


Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Mail